Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Mother Is....

I have found that my blog, for me, has been a wonderful outlet to relieve stress, to organize and express my thoughts, and to simply express my heartfelt feelings. The message of this post is the latter. Because i have written these posts in a personal and (somewhat) private journal-like format, i sometimes forget that anyone else actually reads these posts. I was reminded by someone today that these posts are read and valued. This post is for this woman.

I have had the privilege over the past 2 weeks to come to know a beautiful daughter of God. I was honored to accompany her to the temple today down in the Boston area. The journey down was most enjoyable as i have come to expect when spending anytime with her in person or over the phone. Our conversations spanned many topics which were mentally, socially, and spiritually enriching. As i listened to her, i found myself picturing her a year down the road. In my mind, i see her in our home that we might have together. I see her with our children, teaching them important life lessons, both temporal and spiritual. I envision eating at a table where there is probably more commotion than i would normally accept, but over-looking the distractions and staring at her, thankful for the mere opportunity to be in her presence. I listened to her speak but was already daydreaming of how wonderful my life would be if i could but convince her to take a chance (a BIG chance) on me. We finally arrive at the temple and after a wonderful visit there, we begin our 3 hour journey home.

This is where the purpose of this post enters the story. While continuing our conversation about life and other topics, my beautiful companion receives a call. It only takes a moment to realize that the person on the other end is my friend's 10-year old daughter. While I cannot hear what is being said by this young lady, i can hear in the reply of my friend expressions of sadness. My friend had forgotten about her daughter's friend's birthday party. The daughter quickly forgave the mother and expressed her love for her. My friends reply was a reciprocation of heartfelt and sincere love. Assuming that the conversation was coming to a close, i anticipated what we could speak about next. However, after a short moment of silence, she turns the speaker-phone option on and speaks with her 5 year old daughter.  "Mommy, i love love love love love love love love you! You are the best Mommy in the whole world!" Comes through the line. This is one-upped by her mother who is insistent that her daughter is the best daughter in the world. This exchange goes back and forth for a bit before her 9 year old son comes on the line. This call is a little different. The tone of Her son's voice is broken and sad, on the verge of tears. A shaking voice comes over the phone asking how long it will take for get to get home. "Not for another couple of hours hunny, what's going on?" Her son then conveys his sadness concerning their dog who had gone missing the previous day. Although they had been told that a dog matching their description had been found at a local shelter, the son was still upset. "I miss Her mom" whimpers the boy. I then was lucky enough to witness the true power and majesty of this mothers ability to love, comfort, and reassure her son that everything was going to be ok, and that she would take care of all of his fears and concerns. After a sorry description of the steps my friend would take to resolve the missing dog situation and after making 100% sure that his pain was alleviated, she reminded him of her love for him and then closed the phone call. I struggled to find the words for the feelings in my heart. I was blown away by this mother's inherent capability to help, support, comfort and love these three precious children with an effortless poise and grace that i had never before witnessed. Now, hours later, i think i have found at least a few words which portray what i was feeling:

First, "Wow". Are you kidding me? What an incredible person you are!  Where did you come from?
Second, "incredible". There is a prophet in the Book of Mormon of which it is written "If all men had been like unto Moroni, the powers of hell would have been shaken forever". Well, if all mothers would have been like unto this marvelous woman, no child on earth would ever go to bed with even a shadow of doubt of that they are loved and valued more than the most precious treasures on this earth.
Third, "beautiful". In a recent conference session of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a woman spoke about how (in her opinion) a man is never more attractive than when he is fulfilling his church responsibilities and duties. I can understand where that woman was coming from tonight because as amazing as i found this woman to be on our ride down, nothing could make her glow with as much beauty as hearing her comfort and console her children and masterfully preform her motherly role and duty, even if only over the phone.

To my friend, and to all other mothers out there (and i make it a point to say that i speak this to all woman who care for  children and others who stand in need) who go above and beyond the call of duty in caring for the those who stand in need of comfort, in whatever form that comfort is needed, i say thank you. Thank you for all you do, and know that you are most beautiful when you render those such services and comforts to others which only you can offer! Happy mother's day to all of you and may the smile of God's love a favor find you on this day and all others!

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